Monday 24 September 2018


Being slender and fit is extremely fashionable today. However, not all people have a possibility to do workouts in a gym. Sometimes it’s necessary to help the body and boost its slimming possibilities. Guava leaves are perfect helpers in such a situation. You just need to know how to make use of them. To enjoy guava leaves slimming effect, try the first available option, guava leaf tea. You can cook such a tea at home easily and quickly. You will need the simplest ingredients but in return you will have a perfect slimming effect. So, the ingredients are the following: 
1 cup of water 
5 fresh leaves 
¼ tablespoon of cardamom Honey Licorice root  The cooking process is as simple as that. Pour the water into a small pan, add all the ingredients and let the water boil. When it has boiled for about 15 minutes, remove the pan from the fire. Use a small sieve or gauze to filter away all the particles and now you can have the energizing, refreshing drink that will leave you full of energy and strength. You can drink this tea every day, three to four times a day. Such usage will help you get rid of excess weight quite quickly. If you combine the usage of guava tea with doing sports, you will notice the result in an extremely short period of time. It’s recommended to drink such a tea in the morning, right after you get up from bed, and in the evening, right before going to bed. The other one or two times you drink it depend on your schedule and possibilities but you need to make sure you take three to four cups a day. Sometimes, you just can’t find fresh guava leaves in the nearby stores or on the guava trees. In such a case, try powdered ones. By the way, you can powder the leaves on your own after drying them thoroughly and grinding afterwards. The powder can also be found in many food supplement stores, which offer sports goods.
What is the effect?
 Guava leaves benefits for weight loss Now, you just need to know how these leaves can help you to lose weight. There’s no magic in guava leaves, everything they do happens just because they contain certain enzymes and chemical compounds. They improve digestion helping the body to turn food into energy instead of storing it as fat They cleanse the digestive system making it work properly all the time They improve your metabolism helping your body reduce weight and get rid of excess fat in a natural way They control the level of sugar preventing sudden hunger attacks when the level of blood glucose drops abruptly They calm down your nerve system because it’s impossible to lose weight if you are stressed They improve the quality of your sleep to give the body enough time to have rest and avoid the increase of stress and tension Are there any side effects of guava leaves for weight loss? They are thought to be quite safe but some people still need consultation with a doctor. For instance, if you have heart issues, guava leaves can cause a cardiac depressant impact. The same is with diabetic patients: they should consult a doctor before taking this tea, which reduces the level of blood sugar. Surely, you should not take the guava leaves in any forms if you are breastfeeding or pregnant. As you can see, guava leaves weight loss tips are quite simple and you can take advantage of them any time you think suitable. They are really effective, so if you are looking for weight loss means that work, this is the one.

Image source: Source: UGC

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