Thursday 22 November 2018

Why legacy matters

Why legacy matters

Legacy has what I can refer to as the ‘raw power’ for good and for bad. There are people who have impacted and changed the world for good, people who have opened up new worlds for millions of others, people who have spurred others on to new heights. And, conversely, there are people who have caused massive destruction for countless millions, people who left a wake of pain behind them wherever they went. I consider it an act of responsibility to leave a positive legacy. So, all good men and women must take responsibility to create legacies that will take generations to levels they could only imagine.
Four years after his death the legacy of one of Nigeria’s most brilliant legal minds came alive as an annual conference is being put together to celebrate his legacy. The late Supreme Court Justice Chukwudifu Oputa fondly referred to as ‘The Socrates of Supreme Court’ will “resurrect” in Abuja on December 4th when the maiden edition of the annual lecture in his name would hold. He was referred to as ‘The Socrates of Supreme Court’ because of the depth and philosophical undertones of his numerous Pronouncements while active.
He left an indelible footprint in the sands of time especially the enviable role he played as Head of the Human Rights Violations Investigations Commission formed on June 14, 1999 by former President Olusegun Obasanjo as a Truth Commission to heal the wounds of the past and move beyond them through reconciliation based on knowledge of the truth. It was otherwise referred to as “The Oputa Panel.” Bishop Matthew Kukah and the late Ngwo Elizabeth Pam also served in the panel.
It is against this backdrop that I have always taken interest on anything that bothers on this great legal mind, especially as it relates to the youths of our nation in an era when heroes are a rarity. The issues of governance and the economy would thus be the focal point when both national and international delegates converge in Abuja for what would henceforth be an annual Conference as revealed by Mr. George Oputa, the Chief Executive Officer of the Justice Oputa Foundation established in 2010.
As a research enthusiast, I align with this conference because of its resolve to bring researchers together with eminent persons, policy makers/public sector representatives, legal professionals, commerce and industry experts in ongoing conversations and exploration of issues, ideas and analysis which are some of the things we need in Nigeria today. When these core groups of people meet to rub minds and cross fertilise ideas, there will be no doubt that Nigeria and Africa will benefit in the long run.
What propelled Oputa and his team to institute this conference was their concern about the level of governance across board in the country as well as the wobbling nature of the economy. In trying to address these, they will be beaming their searchlight on integrity, competence and capacity for individuals aspiring for the highest offices in the land; they also intend to underline the need for rule of law and respect for human rights; strengthen and consolidate public and corporate institutions to build confidence around businesses and the citizenry to enable them unleash their creative energies thus guaranteeing growth and prosperity for all.
Accordingly, the conference will draw the attention of a wide spectrum of Nigerian and African audiences of the necessity for, and insistence on, good governance for the promotion of accountability, transparency, efficiency and rule of law at all levels, allowing for efficient management of human, natural, economic and financial resources for equitable and sustainable development, and guaranteeing civil society participation in the decision-making processes.
Furthermore, the conference will reinforce the essence and sanctity of the supremacy of the rule of law, equality of all citizens before the law, accountability of all to the law, fairness in the application of the law, separation of powers, legal certainty and avoidance of arbitrariness, and outline how to achieve sustainable development goals by ensuring Nigerian public services and industry apply sustainable development principles to function more efficiently in regard to service delivery to achieve the desired growth in the match to 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
I also took notice of this conference because of its emphasis on renewable energy and the need for us not to be caught napping. Around the world today – even in oil producing nations like ours – policy makers are brainstorming and devising strategies to diversify economies away from dependence on oil. Countries have also set dates when cars produced would no longer use fossil fuel as environmental awareness is gaining grounds due to heightened enlightenment about global warming.
Beyond the economy and governance, the foundation – and its after shoot, the conference – is concerned about the spate of insecurity in the country which is why part of its agenda will focus on finding the crucial pathway of achieving peace, security, and political stability which is a sine-qua-non for sustainable economic advancement and improved human development index. To this end, it will attract over 500 delegates in ongoing conversations and exploration of issues and ideas relevant to our 21st century world.
It is expected that the conference will help Nigerians have a shared understanding that good governance starts with getting the right people in positions starting from the approaching 2019 elections. Good governance should also be reflected in appointments and employments into, or reorientation of the public service, to a great extent, in sync with global best practice. It is anchoring its optimism on the notion that good governance is impeded when the character, capacity or competence of prospective elective office holders are questionable. That it begins with adherence to the sanctity of the rule of law and evidenced by the ability to conduct violence free and fair elections. This, it believes, can happen when governments and industry apply high standards of ethics, knowledge and innovation to address challenges, leverage opportunities to achieve competitive advantage in a world that is ever more competitive.
Because of its broad scope and focus, the conference will be suitable for professionals from all management levels who are interested in strategy and leadership within all public sector organizations, including, for instance: national, state and local councils, hospitals, schools, emergency services, legal, judicial officers interested in developing deeper insights into the principles of the rule of law, as well as growth and sustainability strategies for their law firms; financial services providers seeking new insights into the formulation of financial service decisions for assured sustainability.
Consultants, researchers and students seeking a more transparent and accountable system that shows how tax revenues are generated by tax authorities and spent and how the budget and planning processes are conceived and executed would also benefit. Those seeking increased opportunity for women and youth development or favourable policies that would unleash the energy and power of women and youth equally stand to gain a lot if they participate in the conference. So is the creative industry which has exposed a limitless horizon and alternative ways of impacting the world for our youths.  The gradual opening up of our extractive industry will also be discussed.
The Bible says a good name is better than riches, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that  two eminent Nigerians, former President Olusegun Obasanjo and the Obi of Onitsha HRM Nnaemeka Alfred Nnanyelugo Achebe agreed to serve as honourary patrons to assist the foundation in achieving its noble objectives,. Other eminent Nigerians like Justice Adolphus Karibi Whyte JSC (retd), Bishop Matthew Kukah, Catholic Bishop of Sokoto, Senator Ben Obi, Prof. Charles Dokubo Special Assistant to the President on Niger Delta and Coordinator of the Amnesty Programme and other credible Nigerians would serve as members of the board of trustees.
The maiden edition of the conference is in partnership with Nigerian Governors’ Forum (NGF), and Nigerian American Chamber of Commerce (NACC). Having left an enviable legacy; the late Justice Oputa deserves all the accolades.

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