Friday 12 April 2019

Church bans photos and recording of videos

Church bans photos and recording of videos, angers congregants 
By Taiwo Owolawi 
The Ebuhleni Nazareth Baptist Church has banned the recording of videos and taking of photos during their services because some church members were selling videos and photos of the pastor delivering his sermon. The ban was announced over the weekend at the annual pilgrimage at the headquarters in Inanda. A church member who owns a video and photo production company was not happy with the decision: “It’s a sad day for us. We’re unemployed and make money by selling the sermon videos and photos of our leader."  Church bans photos and recording of videos, angers congregants He said that the decision would negatively affect him financially. He said that they were not selling the footage out of spite but rather to promote the church and the word of God.  Another congregant said he would also suffer because he used to sell the recordings at the taxi rank. Church spokesman, Thokozani Mncwabe, said he understood the circumstances of the church members but the leaders’ decision had to be respected. This comes as no surprise going by the number of controversial videos about pastors' preaching in recent times. Some of their critics are known to carefully dissect their teachings so as to find faults. Meanwhile, Zimbabwean media reported that 'resurrected man' Elliot Boyo, has passed on. A Zimbabwean man whose story grabbed global attention after he was allegedly brought back to life by South African pastor, Alph Lukau, has 'officially died'. gathered that the man, identified as Brighton Elliot Moyo, died in South Africa where he was working and was silently buried at his home in Zimbabwe on Saturday, April 6. Read more:

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