Wednesday 19 June 2019

Nigeria’s tallest man reveals his height has hindered him from finding love By Caroline Yaakugh

- Nigeria's tallest man has opened up about his life and the challenges he has had to face - Identified as Afeez Agoro Oladimeji, he stated that finding love has been difficult for him as most ladies run from him - He however revealed that he has a special woman in his life and they plan on getting engage soon While it is believed that most ladies have a thing for tall guys, it appears this is not the case as confirmed by Afeez Agoro Oladimeji. Unofficially regarded as the tallest man in Nigeria, the man who stands at a towering 7ft.4 inches is indeed a sight to behold. However, while living under the spotlight may have brought good things into his life, it appears finding true love is not one of them. In a recent interview with The Nation, he revealed that it has been difficult finding a woman to spend his life with. He revealed that it wasn't easy finding a woman who liked him enough to stay. “Many ladies run away from me as a result of my height; so finding a wife, for a long time, was tough,” he recalled. However, all that is in the past as he has found a special someone. “She was one of my fans. She came to me and said she wanted to be my friend; and during that process, I proposed to her and she accepted. We are planning our engagement soon.” Just as love was difficult to find for him, it appears it's the same with finding his shoes size in the market. Oladimeji who wears a size 53 revealed he finds it difficult to get his shoes size and even his clothes in Nigeria. Getting a job initially was also difficult for the 44-year-old. After completing his NYSC in Bayelsa, Oladimeji returned to Lagos to seek for a job but was repeatedly turned down. “I only got a two-year contract job with the Lagos State Government because it was difficult for me to get a regular job, even though I had the qualification and could excel. They turned me down because of my height. Today, I am into business, buying and selling and my customers have been very supportive. I also do modeling and I’m into entertainment.  Beyond the job issues, Oladimeji has challenges moving around.“Some years ago, I had a jeep that I took to a panel-beater to help adjust the seat, so it would be convenient for me to drive. Since that vehicle packed up, the 44-year-old has had to rely mostly on commercial motorcycles to cover short distances or Uber taxis, whose charges are telling on his resources. When asked if there is any government support for people like him, he had this to say: “None. I once visited the Lagos State Tourism Board and they promised to make me Tourism Ambassador in Lagos, but they’re yet to make good that promised." "Government is paying little attention to the creative industry. If I am the tallest out of 200 million people, then I should be celebrated and supported”.  We keep evolving to serve our readers better. Meanwhile, popular internet sensation, Ernest Shepherd is definitely one lady who has proven to the world that indeed, the healthy lifestyle pays eventually. She recently clocked 83 but judging from the state of her body, she could easy pass for 50! Read more:
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