Sunday 26 January 2020

Natural Mosquito Repellents Around your HOME

Mosquito Repellents You Need in Your Home
Mosquitoes are a nuisance. These insects help in the spread of killer diseases like malaria, chikungunya virus and dengue.
The danger they pose on your life calls for preventive measures beyond the use of mosquito nets and chemical-based repellents containing -diethyl-meta-toluamide, (DEET). Here are three mosquito-repelling plants you should plant in your garden.


Fresh garlic has an unpleasant smell to most humans as well as mosquitoes. This plant will help you deal with the malaria-causing insects as well as Mexican bean beetle, cabbage looper, rabbits root maggots and peach tree borer. You are advised to plant it if you live in a cold environment with well-drained soils and full sunlight.

Lemon Grass
Lemon grass alias barbed wire grass is another plant that repels insects. Citronella winterianus and Cymbopogon nardus species are the best repellents due to their strong aroma. It is a garden plant that needs full to partial sunlight making it possible to plant it in pots in your porch. The plant grows well in cool environments but can also be cultivated in cold regions under good care.

Rosmarinus officinalis plant repels mosquitoes. It needs less water to grow and produces a wordy smell that also irritates slugs, snail, carrot flies and cabbage moth. It needs full sunlight to grow well.

Kill Mosquito before it bites you.

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