Sunday 23 February 2020

Oscars should go back to the Plantation-Donald Trump

Donald Trump Wants the Oscars to Go Back to the Plantation
At a rally last night, the president ranted aboutParasitewinning Best Picture, complained about Brad Pitt's speech, and longed for the days of Gone With the Wind.

It's not a shocker that Donald Trump has pretty classic white Boomer dad taste in movies ; his favorites reportedly include The Godfather, Citizen Kane(ironic), The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, and the Jean-Claude Van Damme martial arts movie Bloodsport, which is sitting pretty with a 39% percent "rotten" rating on Rotten Tomatoes. So it's not exactly a shocker that Bong Joon Ho's South Korean class warfare masterpiece Parasitehasn't made it to Trump's top ten. In fact, he's pissed that the film won Best Picture at the Academy Awards earlier this month.
"How bad were the Academy Awards this year, did you see?" Trump asked supporters at his Thursday night Colorado rally. "'And the winner is... a movie from South Korea.' What the hell was that all about? We've got enough problems with South Korea with trade, on top of it they give them the best movie of the year?"
"I'm looking for like, let's getGone With the Wind—can we get like Gone With the Windback, please? Sunset Boulevard, so many great movies," he continued.

That's right: Trump is angry that an international movie with an entirely Asian cast picked up Best Picture, and pines for the days when an antebellum plantation drama that romanticized slavery was the height of cinema. To be fair, GoneWith the Windhas a major place in Oscars diversity history , as Hattie McDaniel became the first non-white Academy Award recipient with her Best Supporting Actress win for her role in the movie. Of course, she played a slave woman—one who was literally nicknamed "Mammy."
It’s not surprising that a guy elected on a promise to Make America Great Again cited a Civil War epic and 1950’sSunset Boulevardamong preferable alternatives to Parasite. ’50s America, with its booming economy, rigid gender hierarchy, and vicious racism, is just the sort of nation Trump is trying to recreate. And he’s a big fan of tributes to the Confederacy .

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